Day 56

Most of you know how important Cooper is to me.  Much of my life revolves around him and I’m glad.

When I knew I was going to adopt a drop-coated dog, I panicked a little.  My last effort to own a long-haired dog didn’t go so well (remember Mr. Chips?)  This time I wanted to do better. Knowing I can learn just about anything on YouTube, I started watching care and grooming videos.  There are lots of them out there, but one groomer stood out to me.  She was loud and sometimes a little hard to take, but she was such a good teacher.  I understood every principle she taught me, and these have served me well ever since.

When I decided to drive east to west this year, I realized I might have the opportunity to meet Dede and so we texted.  At first I don’t thing Dede believed me, that I was coming from Maine for a Cooper groom. She finally did though, when she turned into her salon driveway and I was there, camper trailer and all. 

Now Dede specializes in aggressive and disabled dogs.  She handles some very tough cases.  So I suspect grooming Coop was boring but she did a fine job, and saw proof that her pupil had retained a lot of what she taught. 

If you want to know more about Dede, you can look her up on the web or on YouTube at “My Favorite Groomer”.  She’s a hoot.  Click on Cooper’s photo below if you would like to watch part of the groom.  She videos all of her work.

Oh, by the way, I hate towing a trailer in Dallas/Ft. Worth.  The freeways are ubiquitous, and the drivers are ruthless.  Never again.

Ft. Worth


Click here to see my video!