Day 50

He wobbles back and forth.  His sign, which he carries precariously, says “Big ASS Beers”.  I couldn’t decide if I was amused or upset about this vignette.  Obviously, the bar behind this homeless guy had hired him to walk the street with this silly sign.  To me, it looked like the walker had partaken of a few of these beers and none too steady on his feet.  I guess, though, he was earning something so that’s good.

My most important reason for stopping in New Orleans was to visit cemeteries.  I’ve been fascinated by their above-ground burial rituals since I first saw “Easy Rider”.  Below are a few pictures that give you an idea of my view of them. 

I did think, however, I might take a walk (on a weekday afternoon) on Bourbon Street.  This is where I saw sign guy, as I drove carefully through the congested street.  This is when I also adjusted my plan. Despite it being a weekday afternoon, Bourbon Street was teeming with tourists, drunk and not drunk, and other actors oblivious to car traffic (read that me, trying not to run over them.)  I’m glad I drove first.  I was convinced I would not feel safe walking alone.

This scene is just not for me, but I’m glad I gawked a little.

New Orleans, LA