Day 89

Every January, Rvers flock to Quartzite AZ.  Sometimes just for the bragging rights to say, “I’ve been there!”  More often for the great BLM camping (dry camping in the desert) and the various shows that happen.  Clubs have meet-ups, vendors sell RVs, ready to dicker on trade-ins, and flea market sellers hawk their goods to anyone who will buy.  As for me, I think I would like a cowboy hat but I’m not going to buy one until the doings are mostly done.  I should get a better price that way.  The one I tried on during my first visit to the tent was a straw hat, nothing special, and they wanted $45.  Too dear for me.  I will offer $30 when I go back.  We’ll see how that goes over.

While I have enjoyed the camping so far, I’m still not quite sure I love the place.  I can, however, say “I’ve been there!”and that’s good enough for me. Oh.  I should mention, I’m in the desert with a group of about a dozen ladies who are also solo Rvers.  It’s been good to get to know them all.  That alone is good reason to come back next year for the Solo/Women Quartzite Meetup.  Look it up on Facebook if you would like to see better pictures than mine.