Day 79

I've spent about a week in a funk.  I can't help but kick myself for my mistake.  You cannot lose concentration when you are pulling a trailer.  You risk disaster if you do.

Now the good news.  My insurance company has accepted the almost $7000 estimate for the repairs to my trailer, and my deductible is "only" $500.  That is very good news.  I've also heard that my new fresh water tank should be here next week and they will have time to put it in. I've also found a camping spot (well two camping spot so I will have to move at some point) for the next 8 days.  No more homelessness for a little while.

I've also been connected with two locals, friends of my friends, who have stepped up and offered to house me in March when the cosmetic work gets done.  Happy news for sure.

I move to my new home today.  More when I'm settled.

Chandler AZ